Pharmacy Department Supplies

Pharmacy Department Supplies

Accurate Identification for Medication Administration Safety

Prevent medication errors and improve patient safety with pharmacy medication labels for accurate identification. Choose from thousands of labels to meet all of your pharmacy needs. PDC pharmacy labels are compatible with pharmacy information systems and automated dispensing systems to provide seamless integration and interoperability with Epic, Cerner, MEDITECH, MediWare, OptiFill®, Pyxis® MedStation, ScriptPro®, VA Hospital, and others.

When used with a closed–loop medication administration system, PDC pharmacy labels help ensure safe medication administration through the Five Rights of Medication Administration: right patient, right drug, right dose, right route, and right time. Satisfy Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goal NPSG.03.04.01: Improve the safety of using medications by labeling all medications, medication containers, and other solutions.

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